Thanks to the guys over at Deinde, I have managed to take a quick look at Steve Mason's project going under the acronym PACE. What is especially exciting for a NT scholar is to see what is planned for the works of Josephus. Not only does the site contain the Unicode Greek text (using the Niese edition, as far as I can tell rather than Loeb) which is morphologically tagged by linking through to the Perseus website, it promises to use the new Brill translations as the facing English translation as these become available (at the moment this is only possible for Contra Apionem and the Vita, translated by John Barclay and Steve Mason respectively). There are also lots of supplementary resources (bibliography; commentary, including the Brill Josephus commentary; archaeological) which are worth exploring and qualified scholars can join the project and contribute to the resources provided and ongoing commentary on the texts. More details can be found here.
The site also covers the works of Polybius, which I do not really know and the suggestion is that Diodorus, Dionysius, some Plutarch and Lucian may eventually follow.
What impresses me above all is the quality of the site, and the fact that, unlike many online resources, there is a commitment to making what is available on the web as up to date, accurate and scholarly as that found in print. Securing the appropriate agreements with publishers must have been a real headache This does mean that care must be taken in making use of materials that are in copyright, and anyone making use of the site should read the section on Sources and Rights.
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