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Thursday, February 04, 2010


Re: [Sean the Baptist (in the UCA)] craig submitted a comment to Once Again: Ebeling on Bonhoeffer and Non-Religious Interpretation

Hi Craig
This is helpful thanks. The theme of silence is an interesting one in relation to biblical interpretation. Amidst may calls for an increasingly public form of debate, there is the counter-argument that says that our loss of credibility means that something silent and secret needs to be established. Dont worry about references etc too much: I have read De Lange, and Keith Clements of course and we are fortunate to have the full DBW here so I can look at Widerstand und Ergebung in advance of the new edition of the English.

When is yours coming out?

Hi Sean I have been meaning to commemt on these posts but have not had a chance, away at ministers conference so no books to hand but it seems to me that this is exactly right the whole point of Bonhoeffer's wor
k at this time was to prepare himself and the church that would emerge after the war, a church that would learn to wait in the silent anonymity of prayer and acts of justice until a new and radical vocabulary emerged by which they could speak with integrity and authority to the worldH this is where the discipline of the secret comes in. Of course Bonhoffer's fear was that we would climb out of the melting pot too early and return to language that had been evacuated of all practical meaning for a listening world. I will try and get to you with some refs you will probably already have but I will dig them out anyway. But absolutely on the right track, this was supposed to make talking about God more difficult, which of course has its roots in Bonhoeffer's early family life and the importance of weighing up the meaning of each word around the dinner table

Thanks for posting...


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