I want to plug this event being held at Manchester Cathedral on Wednesday March 14th at 7.30 p.m. admission free:
Reversing the Curse of Racism: The Apostle Paul, the Black Pulpit, and International Reparations
Dr Brad R Braxton
Given as part of this year's Bray Lectureship Tour organised by USPG and SPCK
The writings of St Paul have been criticised by some as offering support for slavery, patriarchy and sexism – and, as a consequence, black preachers in particular have avoided using Paul’s letters to challenge social oppression.
But at a series of public lectures in March, the black American theologian Dr Brad R Braxton will argue that Paul’s letters contain a great deal of material that can be used to tackle racism.
Dr Braxton has been invited to put forward his ideas as part of the Bray Lectureship tour, which is organised every two years by USPG and SPCK in honour of the Revd Dr Thomas Bray, who founded the two societies 300 years ago.
The theme for Dr Braxton’s lecture tour – entitled Reversing the Curse of Racism: The Apostle Paul, the Black Pulpit, and International Reparations – has been chosen to coincide with this year’s bicentenary of William Wilberforce’s Act of Parliament to abolish the British slave trade.
Dr Braxton is Associate Professor of Homiletics and New Testament at Vanderbilt University Divinity School, in Nashville, Tennessee.
Brad is a good friend of mine and a compelling preacher and speaker. Please come along to support him if you are in Manchester on that date.